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.Stein.2017/2018, Permanentinstallation (6 Lichtdecken, 2 – Kanal Videoinstallation)bei Van Volxem, Wiltingen Deutschland Die Rauminstallation Stein von Ela A. Sattler setzt sichmit dem Machtverhältnis zwischen Mensch und Natur auseinander. Den Kern dieses Verhältnisses bildet die Beziehung zwischen menschlichen Lebensbedürfnissen und den…

Sandy Wetcliff

Fotoserie in wiener Kaffeehäusern Photoreihe, A3, 2022Konzept: Mika A. Ela SattlerPerformer*innen: Coco Concept, Alexandra Streit, Mika A. Ela SattlerKostüm: Ines Koller, Mika A. Ela Sattler, Helena BroschKamera: Viktoria Morgenstern Maske: Anonym In der Arbeitsreihe Sandy Wetcliff erobert eine Persona ohne Umschweifen…


video, performance, textin cooperation with Lena Violetta Leitnerartistic and research project for “women on the Eisenstrasse” multimediale LesungSeebad Lunz, Sonntag 24.August 2017, 15.00Gender Art Lab, Wien, 17.Oktober 2017 the booklet Gefördert vom Land Niederösterreich

individual is bliss

Performance(Interference) and Videopresented at ArtUnAnchored Festival, 4.Oktober 2014 Performance: 2 performers were inflitrating the word “individual” through random conversations during 3 hours of this exhibitionon a boat. Having these conversations they were using keywords of the video. None of the people…

cotidie notidia

videoinstallation in coorporation with Ines Appolinario 2 TV screens opposite to each other answering each others questions. Its a conversation on tape with two people speaking two different languages. For the viewer it is of mere importance to understand the…